Kick-off meeting-July 2019

Kick-off meeting-July 2019

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The Kick-off meeting of the SODITREC project took place on July 2019 at “Escuela de Comercio de Gijón”, Asturias, Spain. 


Monday, July 15

17:30-20.00 Welcome: Informal meeting of participants. Hotel Asturias.

Tuesday, July 16

9:00 Reception of participants. Distribution of background documents. Hotel Asturias.

9:15-10.30 Presentation 1. Holm-Detlev KÖHLER (University of Oviedo). Reception of participants and presentation of the SODITREC Consortium: structure, tasks and scientific objectives.

10.30-11.00 Presentation 2. Sergio GONZÁLEZ BEGEGA (University of Oviedo). SODITREC Consortium: Distribution of budget and other financial details.

11:00-11.30 Coffee break

11.30-12.30 Research outline and discussion 1. WP02 and tasks. Social dialogue in large corporative restructuring processes at EU level [UNIOVI (lead), RUB-IGM, SNSPA, IGM].

12.30-13.00 Tour-de-table 1. Open round of questions and discussion.

13:00-14:30 Lunch break

14.30-15.30 Research outline and discussion 2. WP03 and tasks. Employee participation practices and company-level social dialogue in EU-periphery countries [SNSPA (lead), UNIOVI, SGH, ETUI].

15.30-16.30 Research outline and discussion 3. WP04 and tasks. Employer’s strategies and approaches towards company-level social dialogue [USFD (lead), UNIOVI, RUB/IGM, SNSPA, SGH].

16.30-17.00 Tour-de-table 2. Next steps, key agreements and future work